Closing Your Survey and Report Development
Thank you for your assistance in administering the PACE survey at your campus! Here are a few things to know while your reports are in development.
Survey Close, Data Analysis, and Reporting
A few days prior to the scheduled close date for your survey, your report lead will contact you to confirm the close date. We recommend utilizing your response rate tracker to monitor how many employees are completing the survey. If you are satisfied with your institution’s response rate, we can proceed to close the survey on the scheduled close date. If you would like to extend the duration of your survey, please contact your report lead.
What you will receive
- Executive Summary
- PACE Report
- Demographics Report
- Personnel Classification Report
- Custom Report (which encompasses custom questions and custom demographic questions)
- Question Set Report(s)
- Qualitative Report
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Qualitative Report
- Report Interpretations Instructions
- Excel Data File with Codebook
Report Format
We encourage you to browse through our sample reports. The full PACE report includes: the standard PACE and demographic reports, which break out the PACE climate factors by question response rates and by each standard demographic category; a personnel classification report; a custom report that includes any custom demographic questions included specifically by the institution (if applicable); a question set report (if applicable); and a qualitative report. Report interpretation instructions and a raw data Excel file with a codebook are also included.
Comparisons in your Report
Each report includes options for up to three comparison groups of your choice. Attributes you can select include: PACE normbase, Previous Administration, Census Region, Size (IPEDs), Locale (IPEDs), Degree Type (Carnegie), and Division (Census). Many institutions choose to use the normbase and previous administration as two of their comparisons.